Our Advocacy Committee

Advocacy Committee

Meet PRAGMA's Advocacy Commitee

One, stronger, louder voice
Our vision is not to re-invent the wheel, but rather to join forces with those who are already advocating for the industry and work together as one voice.

PRAGMA's advocacy committee will work together to launch an industry wide PR campaign aimed at educating key stakeholders on the role O&G plays in the energy mix of tomorrow.

Gordon Huddleston

President and Partner
Aethon Energy

Jillian Owen

UK Country manager

Robin Allan


Sunday Shepherd

general manager, corporate strategy, chevron

Courtney Loper

head government relations & public affairs, eqt corporation

Hebe Trotter

VP Global government relations
Harbour energy

Sayma Cox

North sea midstream partners

Dan Romito

Pickering energy partners

Gabriel Mynheer

Corporate development & finance manager, Seascape energy
chair, scottish energy forum

David Latin

serica energy

Joel Riddle

tamboran resources

Simon Flowers

CHAIRMAN & Chief analyst
Wood Mackenzie